Phy-X/PSD and NGCAL Models of Several Metal Sulphides: Theoretical Prediction of Gamma Shielding Efficiency
Gamma shielding, Phy-X, NGCAL, Gamma Protection Efficiency (GPE)Abstract
Various metal sulphides were selected for gamma and neutron shielding prediction by (Phy-X and NGCAL). The gamma parameters calculated by both software programs in the studied energy range were found to be identical, with differences (Δ% less than 1%) between both models. The Mass Attenuation Coefficient (MAC), Mean Free Path (MFP), Half Value Layer (HVL), Tenth Value Layer (TVL), and Effective Atomic Number (Zeff) were calculated. Ag2S was a superior neutron and photon attenuator because it contains two silver ions with the highest density, mean atomic number, and metal composition in addition to the lowest (S%) among all sulphides under evaluation. Additionally, the Ag2S monoclinic network is fabricated from (2Ag+) linked to one (S2-). Therefore, the presence of heavy packed ions in the unit cell resulted in more gamma attenuation. The Zeff variation with the energy range of 0.015–15 MeV may be associated with the density, mean atomic number, composition (%) or weight fraction, total atomic cross-section, crystal geometry and elemental packing of each molecule. It can be concluded that Ag2S was the superior attenuator between the sulphides under prediction, especially at higher energies. The Gamma Protection Efficiency (GPE, %) was also calculated for the gamma shielding subject based on the Linear Attenuation Coefficient (LAC) data presented in the Beer–Lamberts law: GPE% = (1-e^(-µx)) * 100, where the thickness was assumed. The GPE% increased with increasing thickness and decreased with increasing energy. Also, silver sulphide showed the highest GPE among the other tested materials. The GPE% of the thermal or fast neutrons was also calculated, where the increasing order was SnS, SnS2, ZnS, MoS2, As2S3, CuFeS2, FeS, CoS, and Ag2S for thermal neutrons and SnS2, SnS, MoS2, As2S3, ZnS, CuFeS2, FeS, Ag2S, and CoS for fast neutrons.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nadher Ali Salman, Kafa Khalaf Hammud

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