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Submission Instructions
The Iraqi Journal of Industrial Research welcomes papers in English only. Your manuscript should adhere to the following structure. Use additional subtitles sparingly, only for special cases. Theoretical papers may replace the 'Experimental Part' with a 'Theoretical Part'. The maximum length is 30 pages.
Formatting Guidelines:
Title: Times New Roman, bold, justified, size 17.
Authors' Names: Times New Roman, bold, justified, size 11.
Main Text (Excluding Abstract and Keywords): Times New Roman, justified, size 11.
Margins:5 cm top, 2 cm bottom, left, and right.
Abstract and Keywords: Abstract should be 200-250 words, formatted in two columns (refer to the template for dimensions). Times New Roman, justified, size 11, with 2 cm margins on all sides.
Line Spacing: Single, with additional space after paragraphs (use “Add Space after Paragraph” function).
For more information about manuscript formatting, please download the paper template from:
Manuscript Submission:
Your submission implies the work is original and unpublished elsewhere (excluding academic dissertations or theses by the same author), and not under consideration by other periodicals. An ethics declaration form, available on our website, must be signed upon submission.
We utilize Turnitin for conducting plagiarism checks, ensuring the originality of submitted manuscripts. Our standards dictate that the acceptable similarity limit is below 20%, with a stricter threshold of less than 5% when employing AI tools. Manuscripts falling below these benchmarks undergo thorough review to ascertain their originality and integrity. If AI has been incorporated as a component of the work, it should be acknowledged and referenced accordingly.
Submission Process:
Submissions should be carried out through our website from “Make a Submission” icon. You are required to submit two files: (i) The manuscript in Microsoft Word format that is laid out according to our Template; and (ii) Signed Declaration Form in JPG or PDF format. The forms can be found in our website. If you’ve had any problems with submission process, please contact the journal through:
Reference Format:
Please use IEEE style for your references. We highly recommend using reference management softwares (such as: Mendeley, EndNote, RefWorks) to avoid errors. Here are some examples for IEEE style:
1. Journal Paper
Article with one author:
[1] A. Altun, “Understanding hypertext in the context of reading on the web: Language learners’ experience,” Journal of Applied Materials, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 7-12, 2005.
Article with two authors:
[2] W. C. Gan and W. H. A. Majid, “Effect of TiO2 on Enhanced Pyroelectric Activity of PVDF Composite,” Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 23, p. 045026, 2014.
Article with more than two authors:
[3] M. Arbatti, X. Shan, and Z. Y. Cheng, “Ceramic–Polymer Composites with High Dielectric Constant,” Advanced Materials, vol. 19, pp. 1369-1372, 2007.
Article with too many authors:
[4] P. Li, J. Zhai, B. Shen, S. Zhang, X. Li, F. Zhu, et al., “Ultrahigh Piezoelectric Properties in Textured (K,Na)NbO3-Based Lead-Free Ceramics,” Advanced Materials, vol. 30, p. 1705171, 2018.
2. Book
[5] L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman, “Software Architecture in Practice,” 2nd ed., Addison Wesley, 2003.
3. Internet Source
[6] J. Geralds, “Sega Ends Production of Dreamcast,”, para. 2, Jan. 31, 2007. [Online]. Available: [Accessed Sept. 12, 2007].
4. Thesis
[7] R. Dittmer, “Lead-Free Piezoceramics – Ergodic and Nonergodic Relaxor Ferroelectrics Based on Bismuth Sodium Titanate,” PhD, School of Applied Science, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq, 2013.
5. Conference Paper
[8] S. Weng, D. Jiang, X. Zhang, M. Wang, J. Sun, H. Zhao, et al., “A New Organic-Inorganic MgZnO/Au/PEDOT:PSS Hybrid Heterojunction Photodetector Fabrication,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1907, p. 012001, 01/05/2021.
For more details on IEEE style, please click on the following link to direct you to IEEE extended information:
Review Process
Once a manuscript passes the initial checks (plagiarism check and associate editor primary check), it will be assigned to at least two independent experts for peer-review. A single-blind review is applied, where authors' identities are known to reviewers. Peer review comments are confidential and will only be discussed with authors.
Reviewers may also include Editorial Board Members of the journal. Reviewers should not have published with any of the co-authors during the past five years and should not currently work or collaborate with any of the institutions of the co-authors of the submitted manuscript.
Corporation of Research and Industrial Development (CRID)
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Journal Address:
Ministry of Science Complex, Jadriyah, Baghdad, Iraq
Plus Code: 79GP+7JR
Open Access Statement:
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original author(s) and source are properly attributed.
All submitted manuscripts will be evaluated using Turnitin software for originality.
Reviewers can verify their review in their Web of Science profile by forwarding our review acknowledgment to:
Open Access Policy
The Iraqi Journal of Industrial Research is a free, open access journal. All articles are published in full open access, ensuring that there are no fees or restrictions for authors, readers, or institutions to download publications directly from the journal’s website. The journal applies the license of CC BY 4.0: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.